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Mom, Grandma (Mom's step Mom), Grandpa( Mom's Dad), & Uncle Pete ( Mom's Step Brother) at Grandma & Grandpa's wedding around the mid 1950's.
This was about a week or so after I was born.
This is my Oldest sister Debbie, brother Craig, Sister Vicki, Mom, & debbie's husband Scott and I am sitting on the ground...late September 1978.
I was told mom was 4 yrs old her, the photo was colorized.
This was in the early 1960s, just after my parents and sister's came back to live in the USA after living 3 or so years in Indonesia.
I think I was told my Mom was 14 yrs old here. Her grand kids resemble her a lot!
My parents wedding.
This is my Mom, Dad, & her Step Mom, my Grandma in either 1956 or 1957, just after my parents married.
These are pictures of my real Mom who passed away in 1996, sorry the uploading was out of order, but enjoy none the less!
Mom Millie,
I just wanted to celebrate our relationship! You are an awesome woman of God and a great Spiritual Mom! I am so grateful God gave me you to have as a Godly spiritual Mom to show me How to go higher in the Lord, to the next level of Spiritual maturity! I have so loved our times of love, fun, laughter and a very blessed relationship! Thanks for adopting me! Love ya forever!!
Love, Your darlinca, Jacque
Mom Norva,I just wanted to take some time and tell you what you mean to me! I love you and I am so very grateful to God He gave me you to step in and be my mother! He couldn't have chosen a better woman to take the place of my Mom after she passed away! You are very special to me in a way no one else can be! Father God sure knew what he was doing in putting us together, didn't He! We even met the year my Mom passed away, 2 months later and you and my Mom would be just 6 months apart in age. You waited 14 years for me to get my act together, and I am still getting it together! The Lord has done an extreme makeover on me inside and out and I will NEVER be the same again! I don't ever want to go back to the way I was before the retreat last October! You are a very loving, warm, caring, compassionate, ….and yes very patient Mom and for that I am extremely grateful!! Thanks for adopting me! Love ya!
Love your Daughter forever! Jacque
Please keep my friend Debbie's 22 yr old daughter in law in prayer! She had several mini strokes and 1 major massive stroke on Monday morning and is in the critical care unit of the hospital. They are not sure of anything at this point, not sure if she has any brain damage! She has given the thumbs up, wiggled her right toe and squeezed her husbands hand! God is the great healer and physician, through Him all things are possible! Thanks and God bless everyone!!
You can follow her progress at