Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Ladies retreat

Friday night. This was a skit done about how we are all 1 body. they played the parts of the body.

Then we did a warrior dance.

Friday night we threw our burdens , worries, & things we wanted out of our lives in the fire.

Minister Deloris. Saturday morning.

Saturday night the healing service & communion.

Sunday morning on the hilltop for testimonies.
Prayer maze.

Sunday as we were leaving.


Debbie said...

Looks like a great time in fun & fellowship! Glad you are finally updating your blog.

Jordan@Me and My 8 said...

This looks like it was so much fun. How fun to be able to get away with the ladies.

Vicki said...

How nice to have a fall retreat to see the beauty of the Lord surrounded by the beauty of His creation.