Mom Norva turned 75 this year and had not had a birthday party since she was 10 yrs old! I was so blessed to do this for her! She is the woman God placed in my life to take my real Mom's place when she passed away 2 months after she passed. I planned this with her 2 sons & a few very close friends Rosemary, Karen, Jethe, Jackie & Sally. Thanks everyone it was beautiful!! We had 2 cakes, 1 chocolate & 1 white. Her favorite colors were rose & lilac. So I made the rose center pieces & decorated in lilac! SURPRISE!! Guests Pastor John & Jethe Family at the head table. Norva & her 2 sons. Jeff in orange on the left & David in striped on the right Norva opening gifts.
Minister Millie (Mom Millie) singing "written in Red" Pastor John, Norva, & Millie Praying after dinner! A lot of us from ladies prayer group after! Norva took her family & me to dinner after the party. The decorated hall before the party. I made and did the decorations. The sign in guest book.
Seasoned Solo Single, blood bought, sanctified, charismatic, Holy Spirit filled, believes in and practice the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, speaks in tongues, sold out for Jesus, on fire for God, born again, Godly christian woman!
Wow! You know how to put together a party! I bet she was surprised. I'm sure she was appreciative of all the work that went into it.
Yes, she was really blessed! I am so glad it went so well!
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