Happy Birthday Gene! Getting set up! Look at all that food! Tim and little Liam! The Roth Family SUPRISE!! YEAH GENE!! The Werre family Mikey and Drew Daddy and his little girl, Jessie! Long line, Gene is well loved! The rest of the line. In line getting food. The Werre Family Gene is well loved The Speck family and Tony Evans The Aul family. Me and little Liam, He is so cute! Me on the other hand?? Not sure about that face?!!
Seasoned Solo Single, blood bought, sanctified, charismatic, Holy Spirit filled, believes in and practice the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, speaks in tongues, sold out for Jesus, on fire for God, born again, Godly christian woman!
Good choice! That actually goes better.
You captured the feel of the party! How neat! Looks like he was surprised & everyone had a good time.
You gotta love church food! It doesnt get any better than that. He looked very loved and appreciated.
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