Coach Tomlin and Hines Ward during The opening prayer Honoring the Captain of the flight that went down in the Hudson river, NY City a few weeks ago Susan just relaxing during the 1st quarter. Kristen and the 2 of the smallest Steeler fans! It looks like between 20 and 30 of us were there to cheer the Steelers on! Wave that Terrible Towel Sharon! Woooo Hooooo! Woooooooo Hooooooo......GO STEELERS!! TOUCH DOWN!! Harrison just ran the 100 yard drive! Steelers just won the Super Bowl in the last 35 seconds of the game! Tammy was pooped after screaming and being on the edge of her seat the whole game!! Susan, Me, & Tammy after the game!! Me, Karen, Sharon after the Steelers won the Super Bowl! Sharon and I.....Steelers Rock, Steelers Rule, Steelers done won Da Super Bowl! Woooooooooooooo Hooooooooooooooooo!! Black & Gold forever!
Hope you enjoyed my Super Bowl 43, Singles Super Bowl Party.
Seasoned Solo Single, blood bought, sanctified, charismatic, Holy Spirit filled, believes in and practice the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, speaks in tongues, sold out for Jesus, on fire for God, born again, Godly christian woman!
Good pictures & looks like you all had a great time! I think Craig & I are the only ones who stayed home. Go Steelers!
loved the pictures. You will have to show me sometime how to put the words under each picture. Good times! Good Memories!!
Looks like fun. Glad you had a good time.
who is that crazy lady in the #86 jersey? oh yeah its my crazy =p
nice pictures.
Yes Dan, Maybe "crazy"...NOT, BUT YOU LOVE ME AND YOU KNOW IT!!!
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