Orchard Christian Fellowship Think Spring dinner dance decorations
The utilities coverage donation table The left side of the buffet counter One of the 2 bows on front of Buffet counter Right side of buffet counter Table decorations Buffet Counter Ceiling hangings I bought everything to decorate, Shelly helped me put it all up. The dinner dance was 3-14-09 at 6pm, Theme "Think Spring". I picked up Shelly and we went to the church Friday afternoon and decorated. Everyone said it looked beautiful. I had the previous post Singles conference to get to Friday evening and Saturday all day. So We had to decorate Friday. I used Pastel colors, butterflies, Green grass colored table clothes ( thanks Angelina! ) and butterfly ribbon to decortate! When I think of Spring, I think butterflies, pastel colors, and flowers galore!
Seasoned Solo Single, blood bought, sanctified, charismatic, Holy Spirit filled, believes in and practice the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, speaks in tongues, sold out for Jesus, on fire for God, born again, Godly christian woman!
It looked really nice! Good ideas!
I thought the church bought he decorations...??
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