Hey all, I thought I would tell you a little about myself. I had already done this once, but somehow when I went in to edit it, I lost the entire post. So I will redo it now.
I am a Blood bought, sold out for Jesus, on fire for God, Holy Spirit filled, believes in and practices the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, speaking in tongues, charismatic, Godly christian woman! I am currently single (waiting on God for my MOG = Man of God). I have been going to the same non-denominational charismatic church for almost 14 years now. My Pastor and his wife are a very wise, Godly christian couple. Here is the website. www.orchardchristianfellowship.com
God has blessed me with a great Godly christian family and many great Godly christian friends. I am the youngest of 4 siblings. I have 2 older sisters and 1 older brother. Debbie, the oldest is the one in the checked sweater, then next is Vicki, the one in black, then Craig, the only guy, then me up front in the blue sweater. They are all married to great Godly christian spouses. Debbie has 1 daughter, oldest of 5 and just married, living in Eygpt and 4 sons, oldest son just married. Vicki has 4 girls, of which the oldest has 4 children and 1 on the way. 3 daughters and 1 son. Craig has 5 children, 3 daughters, oldest just started college this year and 2 sons. As for me, no kids as of yet, but still praying for marriage and children. So all in all I have 8 neices, 6 nephews, 3 great neices and 1 great nephew! My father remarried and My Mother passed away from colon cancer almost 13 yrs ago.
I have always believed that I was born in the wrong era! I feel I should have been born somewhere within the late 1880s to the early 1900s victorian era! I am very victorian in decorating style. My internet name is Vic†orianRo§e, often called VR by my christian chat room buddies. I have always wanted to buy and renovate a big victorian house with 6 bedrooms and fill them all with love and kids! Having a big kitchen and lots of friends and family around on the holidays! A big vase of dark red roses on the kitchen counter! Food everywhere! That just screams love and warmth to me! But I do have to admit, I would be lost without the modern day conviences of electricity, TV, Computers, and of course INDOOR PLUMBING!!! LOL!! I recently found whom I believe to be my long lost soul sister, Shelley! She and I are so alike in so many ways! We are both victorian, love to go antiquing, same taste in so many ways! We should have been twins! Love ya Shelley!
Vic†orian §tyle is a way of life!
*** Buttons, Bows, Ribbons, Lace, Roses Galore is my taste!! ***
Well enough about me! God Bless You All!! Comment often!
nice to learn more about you. i'd LOVE to have a victorian house too. i love the style of them! :)
Yep! Very expensive though!
I actually had to repost this, somehow I lost the 1st one??? Jordan was the 1st to visit and comment on that one! LOL, then Debbie and Ashley!
nice blog It's a great way to keep up to date with folks. Unfortunately, my life is too dull to blog about. I sometimes have trouble coming up with enough for our yearly Christmas letter
I like the way you set this up,NEAT!
Posted by:maryann
So we've been bumped, huh! Lol!
Jacque.... Nice job.... Love your sister in Christ Jesus Mary
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