Cousins going horseback riding between 1979 & maybe 1981, not sure of exact year. Fall 1978 right after Deb and Scott got married Cousins at family reunion with Grandmother and Granddaddy January 1981. Also below this is 3 generations and Debbie was pregnant with Sarah beginning of generation # 4. Now Dad and his siblings are 1st generation and Jordan's soon to be 5 kids are 4th generation
Seasoned Solo Single, blood bought, sanctified, charismatic, Holy Spirit filled, believes in and practice the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, speaks in tongues, sold out for Jesus, on fire for God, born again, Godly christian woman!
I don't remember the 1st two pictures. But it looks like you guys had fun.
Love looking at old pics.
You weren't there in the 1st 2. You were already married.
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