Here are just some of "MY" rambling thoughts for the week! I am AMAZED at God's AWESOME power to be in COMPLETE control of all mine, & every one else's daily intricate lives! As I grow & get older (behave yourselves :-) be nice!), I am becoming increasingly more aware of the "going's on" around me, the day to day *wink Vicki * lives & how "life" will continue to go on till the return of Christ!! There will continue to be people growing up, getting married, having babies, sicknesses, & yes even deaths daily. There will continue to be wonderful people who are all about thinking of how to bless others & bless Father God!! Also, yes, not so wonderful, selfish people who think only about themselves & don't care who they hurt in the process as long as they get what they want out this life, till Christ returns for His bride!! That part is quite sad to me & I am sure it is even more sad to Jesus!!
But as we get much closer to the return of Christ (I believe it will be very very soon) life will continue to go on! Do we consider as we go through this life here on earth, that this life is just temporal & the real life, the life with our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ & Our Father God, is yet to come? Are we being about our Father's business & winning souls to Him, Jesus Christ? Or are we concerned about ourselves & how to further our own kingdom here on this temporal earth? Please if you have not already done so, ask Jesus into your hearts and give HIM control of your life here & in the next!!! Jesus loves you so much that if you were the only person alive, He would have still been beaten & gone to the cross & given his life to die for your sins!! It is totally worth it, giving Him your life & control of your life, totally worth it!!!!! satan is real people!! He is ALL about stealing & killing & destroying you!! If I didn't have my Father God & Lord Jesus Christ to help me through this last year, with everything I have gone through, I might just have shriveled up & died!! It has been a hard year, a year of a unemployment & lot of personal hurt and growth for me! But I needed to go through it to come to the other side!
I want to again ask you this question: If Christ should return this very moment to take His Bride home with Him, will you be in that number? ARE YOU READY TO MEET YOUR MAKER?? He is coming sooner than we all, even me, expect!! Please be in that number, be ready!!
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6 years ago
How so very true! The same goes for me. How in the world would I get thru life without Jesus & His grace & unconditional love? It is something I work everyday to wrap my brain around. Jesus is so very personal like your very best friend, lover, & confidant! And He tells it to you straight. I need that! Thank you for sharing your heart!
Jesus is so amazing. One day as we continue to let our faith be our eyes, our faith will become sight and that will be awesome. All the unanswered questions wont even matter anymore, we will KNOW Him in truth in all of His Glory. I cant even fathom that! Oh the joy that is set before us!
Amen and Amen and Amen!! God is AWESOME!! You are welcome Deb!
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